

A degree is the measurement of quality.
Quality can be measured into three Degrees.
1. Positive Degree
2. Comparative Degree
3. Superlative Degree

Positive Degree – If quality is shown in a simple way is called in Positive Degree.
Ex.:- Ram is a smart boy.
Comparative Degree – If a quality makes comparison is called in Comparative Degree.
Ex.:- Ram is smarter than Shyam.
Superlative Degree – If a quality shows its highest or lowest quantity is called in Superlative Degree.
Ex.:- Ram is the smartest boy of my class.

Rules & Uses

Comparative or Superlative

1. Generally, a Positive form becomes Comparative, adding ‘er’ and Superlative adding ‘est’ after itself.

 Positive-   Comparative-    Superlativ

Smart   -  Smarter than   -   the smartest

Young -   Younger than -   the youngest
Long -   Longer than   -  the longest


2. A Positive form ending with ‘e’ becomes Comparative adding ‘r’ and Superlative adding ‘st’

Large -  Larger than -   the largest
Fine   -    Finer than -   the finest

3. A Positive form ending with ‘y’ and a vowel comes before the ‘y’ becomes Comparative adding ‘er’ and Superlative adding ‘est’ after itself.

Grey -  Greyer than-- the greyest
Gay -  Gayer than-   the gayest

4. A Positive form ending with ‘y’ and a consonant comes before the ‘y’ becomes Comparative replacing ‘y’ by ‘ier’ and Superlative by ‘iest’

Dirty-   Dirtier than-   the dirtiest

Heavy-   Heavier than  -  the heaviest
Busy-   Busier than-    the busiest

5. A Positive form that is very small in shape and gets ending with a consonant letter, that is stressed in pronunciation makes double of its last letter before changing Comparative and Superlative form.

Big -  Bigger than -  the biggest
Thin-   Thinner than -  the thinnest
Fat-    Fatter than-   the fattest

6. A Positive form having more than two syllables changes its Degree with the help of more and most.

Beautiful- more beautiful than- the most beautiful
Handsome -more handsome than -the most handsome
Intelligent- more intelligent than- the most intelligent
Stupid- more student than- the most stupid


7. Some Adjective changes their Degree in different ways.
Good- better than- the best
Bad- worse than- the worst
Well -better than- the best
Much- more than- the most
Many -more than- the most
Little- less than -the least
Far- Farther than- the farthest


To be continues in next Post Thank you